Welcome to Chinkapin Farm
“For the Love of All Things Vintage”
We are located at Aisle D – Dealer #444. Chinkapin Farm is a mix of vintage farm-style to mid-century kitsch. Inside you will find unique items to add charm to your home. We specialize in vintage glassware such as Fire King, Pyrex, Glasbake, Anchor Hocking and other collectible finds to enhance your decor. We also have a varied selection of fun, mid-century items which will certainly be conversation pieces. New items added frequently – so check back often – who knows, you may find your Grandma’s favorite mixing bowl or pitcher!
Directions in Relics to the booth – at the restrooms go left – 3rd aisle on the right –
4 Booths (D31, D33 & D34, D36)
Visit Us on Facebook at Chinkapin Farm
Why Chinkapin? My Grandfather’s farm has several of the rare Chinkapin Oak trees – once numerous throughout Missouri and especially in the Ozarks. A special and beautiful oak tree with sweet acorns (deer and wildlife are especially fond of) and hard to find like some of the vintage treasures you’ll find at Chinkapin Farm. I discovered the tree on a walk with my Dad on Christmas Eve and we talked about Grandpa and the farm. Life was so different then and I hope that the vintage finds at Chinkapin Farm will take you back to a special place with family and friends from year’s gone by.
A special Thank You to my Dad and Mom for helping to get this dream started and Love to my Brother, Daniel – whom inspires me from heaven to share our love for “all things vintage”.